They call it stormy Monday..

Yesterday evening it clouded over and went all grey and dreary. Usually that means that the sunset is nothing special, just a warm glow, often a thin blue line of cloudless horizon for the sun to peak through just before it sets.

Well, last night I thought it was going to do the same, so I stayed in and pottered about a bit.

I kinda got it wrong.

The sunset was spectactular.

I first saw that the light in the hallway had gone a weird pinky colour, so I popped out the front for a look see.

Then I rushed back in to grab the camera.

Cursing that I didn’t speculatively go to the beach – I could have got some amazing shots of the bay.  Ah well, I have plenty of those anyway.

So there you go, a firey end to the day.

Today has been a different kettle of monkeys altogether.

Dark, stormy, the whole day thunder rolling around over the city and now tonight it’s crashing around over the ocean.  The sky has been lit up like a Christmas tree with lighting all day.

Earlier on when I drove back from the station, the sky was black like night with almost malevolent swirls of cloud, horror film style.  The rain was clearly not far away (the radar images from the Bureau or Meteorology were kinda impressive – and still are) but it was actually dry out.

So I grabbed the camera, took a shot from the front door to show contrast from yesterday and hooted it down to the beach to see if I could get some pictures of the lightning.

Then it became too difficult to shoot in the rapidly falling light.

They call it Stormy Monday, but lets hope that Tuesday’s not as bad.


3 Comments on “They call it stormy Monday..

  1. Well, the blues quote caught my attention, fortunately, as your photos are absolutely gorgeous!
    Love W.A. – spent some time in the Perth area many years ago and have a very fond remembrance of Emu beer, cockatiels, and pipers playing all night on New Year’s Eve under the southern stars. Wonderful place and I remember those blue seas and dark clouds in your part of the world; thanks for sharing!


  2. These are just breathtaking! I also love the flower Flickr panel on you page. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year.


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